10 life lessons I’ve experienced recently:

1.Networking with pro filmmakers is fun. Especially when you’re playing a whore (again) and wear only red lance lingerie and stilettos.

2.A crappy phone with not enough space for any music makes you  listen to Classic FM on daily basis. The world becomes so much more beautiful with Tchaikovsky as a soundtrack.

3.Don’t get back to someone’s place after a party just because he’s French.

4.On the event of you Friday night date cancelling on you prepare your bank account for booking all the tickets you need for your art fetishist Italy trip.

5.Buy lingerie instead of chocolate. First dose of endorphins is immediate, second shared with a person you wear it for. Both calories free.

6.Discussing what kind of drugs are around on the parties you go to in a random conversation with your dad isn’t the best idea. Especially if you called to ask for rent money.

7.Carry condoms around. Even it if it’s not you who’s getting lucky, smuggling them into that person’s pocket is so much fun!

8.The higher the heels the more alcohol you should absorb. For some reason I usually gain the full stability after 3rd drink.

9.It is possible to have a totally one sided love story. Even a pretty decent one.

10.Being kind to people and expecting nothing in return pays off.


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