Reincarnation, spells and Pascal's Wager.

I'm sure you know the feeling. There's a sudden need for action, say checking if you have enough milk for your next day's morning coffee.

So, you walk 2 floors down to the kitchen, enter the room and feel that you were supposed to do something important, but you completely forgot what the hell it was.

Now, that's how I see reincarnation. There was a purpose we chose to be born, but what the fuck was it?

My mostly-hate relationship with religion started with chocking the content of Catholic prayer books up to the age of about 16. Then, there was the battle with parents about how I couldn't go through Confirmation because it just doesn't feel right.

How could my teenage-hippy-self stay in a bureaucratic institution filled with hypocrites and mutters of the words they do not make an effort to understand?

A long period of aversion to organized religion continued, Wicca sounded interesting for a while, until I researched the Book of Shadows and realized neopaganism had solid imposed rules to.

My journey through mental health took me onto a massage table of a spiritual healer. Then and there, I had a choice to make to trust or not to trust.

I adapted the Pascal's Wager and decided to believe in magic.
And decided to follow Mrs. Kasia The Witch advice on searching through the esotericism and find what resonated with me.

I found it to be the core: of intention and agency. Present in whichever form of witchcraft you may come across. Including CBT and coaching.
I'm this weirdo now, who puts intention into her mugs of coffee and speaks to notes before handing them over to a cashier. Happy to share those spells, they really work.

Belfast is treating me well so far.

Not related, but so worth the watch.


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