Even more awesome.

After a 4 hour journey I was stuffing my mouth with some Chinese food in a Wroclaw’s mall.

A chat with my best friend got interrupted by a man asking us to look after his laptop while he gets some soft drink.

Long grey hair and an air of weirdness about him.

-So, what do you study? – he asked my friend as if our own conversation wasn’t engaging enough to leave us alone.
-Physiotherapy .
-And you?
-Film Making.
-Is there even a course like that here?
-No, it’s near London.

He took a moment to process that information.

-So, you moved over there with your family?
-So, you went there with your friends?
-Did you know anyone over there before you left?
-Not really.
-Are you absolutely fucking mad?!

He went on about all the females that get sold into prostitution right after passport check on every airport, how those lucky ones make it and just become involuntary organ donors. He made sure that there’s no way I can avoid getting raped at least 2 times on my way home from a bus stop.

I think the idea of a female existing without a constant male protection was simply imaginable  to him.

My friend about to leave for an adventure stumbled across the same kind of attidiude.
-What will you do when you get bit by spiders in some youth hostel in Istanbul and you have no one to drive you to the hospital?
-I’m gonna take a taxi.

The thing is I’m sure that there would’t be a shadow of a doubt in anybody’s eyes if it wasn’t for our pretty little vaginas.
Somehow, being alone and independent seems more spectacular to the society because of them.
For example organizing a 10 day road trip in Romania with costs next to nothing is awesome.

But the fact we’re girls makes it even more awesome.


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