“What would Dali do?”

I was rised catholic and given even the title of my blog you may have assumed that I’d slipped away from God’s loving arms. The truth is I escaped.
I do believe that obeying every single commandment makes for a happy person. Those are truly wise words. A safe and cosy hug from the Divine.

If one shares intimacy only during lifelong marriage, she does not get kicked out of her lover’s bed my his landlord. (Yes, that happened. Here is a report.)

If one does not desire her best friend’s boyfriend, she does not loose her virginity to him after they break up and she does not get cheated on. (By her First with her at that time best friend.)

If one obeys all wishes of her parents, she doesn’t encourage a group of boys to steal a ladder from her garage, march with it in front of living room window and to enter her bedroom  and join a girls only sleepover. (Gosh, I told my Mum 3 years later and she had no idea that happened.)

See? 3 fascinating stories in 3 sentences.
I never meant my life to be pain free or easy. The boredom would literary kill me. If I reminded happy with simple and small, why would I aspire to spectacular?

I still do go to church. When I feel lost or in need for enlightenment. Just to clarify, I consider the Partenon Galleries in British Museum my church. Each and every piece there is a material proof of the art being eternal. Years, wars, earthquakes – the beauty is still enchanted in there.

I do meditate. During life drawing or portrait sessions, once I start keeping every cell of my body still, thoughts experience a crazy road trip, diving into pure imagination or dark and forgotten corners of my memory.

I do believe in craft and beauty. In expressing one’s emotion and opinions freely. In being truthful to one’s unique creative vision.

And trust me – life gets so much more interesting when instead of asking “What would Jesus do?” you’d rather wonder : “What would Dali do?”


  1. I don't know if you get any messages or comments on your posts, but I discovered last year that giving comments and reviews is not as easy as it seems. You get as judged as the author, but sice I just got down one bottle of really nice wine I decided, why not? So I shall post it before my blissful mood goes away, and I start checking my comment one hundred times before sending!
    First of all. If you don't know yet, you are brave. Or at least as brave as you can get in my dictionary. Brave in experimenting with life and LIVING it, this title is all yours. Brave with doing things people frown at, and then writing about it without hiding your identity,that's damn brave.
    Second. It probably should be first but anyway... I write to let you know that you have at leat one reader here >.< and that reader also tried blogging in the past and discovered that no comments is a bit discouraging to her, so she decided to give a comment in case you get discouraged, which I hope not/doubt after reading your posts.
    Okay I got sidetracked and I'm babbling ... =_="
    Third... I just wanted to go down the roud of psychological analysis of human existence, but I'm in no mood to do any life decision's analysis so I will just say that I like how you write and what you write, and it's nice to take 5 min break to just read what you posted and then 5 min to think it over, just to then get on with life, but with the knowledge someone is there, someone who writes interesting things and you should check in with her more often :)

  2. If that makes any difference... you have more than one reader here :)


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