Let the world be your runway!

I got kicked out from a photoshoot today and it was awesome.

Last night I got a booking for a beauty shoot over one of the modeling websites. Two call sheets and all professional stuff. So I got up 7.30 and run off to London.

Since with beauty shoots it’s not the size and height that matters and the truth is – I love having people doing my makeup. But as soon as I saw all the dresses and pieces of clothing in size 6 the red right went on – fashion shoot – “You’re so out of place”.

But when I saw a couple of beautiful designer pieces I felt a need to stay. To at least have a chance to try them on, even if that meant breath depravation.

After waiting an hour the host finally came up to me really politely explaining me that I don’t fit the requirements.

He meant I’m not the agency standard model. Damm right I’m not. There’s nothing standard about me.

There’s this whole fuss about dropping the plus size label from agency books and I do understand the call – diversity, promoting more relatable image of a woman. The problem is in where the scream and shout is coming from – models themselves. They (we) are disposable elements in the whole ecosystem and thinking realistically the only party that actually gets a say are fashion brands.
New Your lingerie brand recently featured a nice and curvy brunette in it . The choice bursted their sales significantly and you can read about it here.

Fashion is a business like any other and once retailers realize what brings more money in, maybe plus size will become the agency standard. And we’ll have minus size category to showcase clothes for eating disorders’ victims.

For now, I can simply enjoy the tiny “let’s cure your self esteem” presents I got myself today and wear all the beautiful clothes I already have. All in the right size.

To all young women too unique to fit in: let the world be our runway.


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