Real-time vs dusty stories

Sorry to get silent for a while. I’ve been using a regular notebook instead of blogging lately. And that’s tonight’s topic.

I’m working on a novel inspired by my current job. Experiences, pieces of conversations and my thoughts can not be put out here without digesting them first. And I’m not planning to do that. I did, but I’ve given up that idea quite quickly. The thing is, I felt like the main character of a story and putting my observation in shape interrupted the process of observation. I couldn’t live the moment and at the same time keep putting every association in writing.

Plus, if someone found my real time thoughts across the internet, they would kick my curvy little ass out of there. I probably wouldn’t get paid not to mention lack of material for a book.
It’s funny, how on precise moment of some ugly deeds we have an instant punishment hanging over our heads and that just a bit of time lets us get away with so many things. Sometimes we just need a layer of dust to cover our action before we can present it to the world.

The best example is the ladder story. After 16th birthday of my friend, all girls stayed over in my room. My room with a balcony. Boys took ladder from the garage, which was on the other side of the house, marched in front of living room window, where my parents plus my godmother were watching tv, and joined us girls in my room. When my mother came up to check on us, one of the boys, long haired at that time, sat under the duvet and even talked to her. She was just surprised that I have such an ugly friend. If I got caught, I would get grounded for ever. If I confessed at that time, I would get grounded for ever.

My mom simply couldn’t stop laughing, when she heard this last summer. When she finally calmed down and dried her sweet tears, the only thing on her mind was that she has two teenage eras of my younger sisters to go. Hope that they would be as smart as me – what parents/employers do not see, wouldn’t hurt them. 


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