Being Carrie Bradshaw...

Human beings are truly flexible. We change to deal with different situations, people and climates.
I first noticed it when I moved out from my parents’ house to attend to “a better high school” in a bigger town. After years of having my very own bedroom I was forced to get used to living with 3 other girls on more or less the same space. Surprisingly it wasn’t bad at all. It felt like an endless summer camp, being around my friends all the time, secret drinking, getting hooked on cigs. Well, not exactly endless. It took our teachers 28 days to finally catch us on drinking and we’ve been all formally expelled from the dormitory.
Something that I got used to this year is reasonable tesco value shopping and buying food for a week for about 5 ponds.
Those two examples are rather neutral, but the third one – getting stood up on Friday night’s dates is really unpleasant.
When it happened to me again yesterday there was nothing left to do, but to take a sadness nap. It got interrupted by another guy that I’m seeing, texting if I’m free. I quickly figured that a sadness nap is good, but a sadness drinks is even better.
-          I’m actually getting used to this view.
-          I know, next time I need to take you to this other tower.
Of course it wasn’t quite what I had in mind. It is frightening how easy it is to take free drinks, great company and Oxo Tower views for granted. When you experience this kind of stuff it feels so natural, normal.
The old me would probably focus on how painful it’s gonna be, when I’ll be forced to get back to my life. By my life I mean being stuck in my tiny room too broke to go anywhere, watching Sex and the City on my crashing laptop.
But since Cosmopolitans, magic, spectacular nights out and in do happen to me I may as well call it my life.
After all, drinking Carrie Bradshaw’s favourite drink is not the closest I can get to being her, you know?
I’ve got an editor now.


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