10 things I've learned in Budapest

1. Staring mesmerized at your lover, while walking on uneven surfaces may resolve in fractured ankle. (Again!)

2. You’ll end up dancing the last night away anyways.

3. Instant Club does the best Cosmos in Europe. (My previous front runners were Rome and London and Mamaia)

4. Letting the guy you’ve just had sex with not only stay over, but also keep him around through the morning may reward you with breakfast in bed.

5. It takes a up to 6 hours to forget how to use a door handle, how to carry your suitcase or take your coat off and put it on. (In your gentleman’s mind he takes care of the weaker sex, in your mind you’re a princess with multi-use slave. Win-win! )

6. It takes sweat, tears and plenty of hot chocolate in cafes with free wifi to get over the fact you’re on your own again. Once your care-and-orgasm provider is off to catch his flight back, you may find yourself in need of a boarding pass. Catching up on involuntary sightseeing while searching for a print point guaranteed. Bursts of cry, self-doubt, and pain (have I mentioned the ankle I danced on night before?). Those first wave feminists had some balls to go through it on a global scale.

7. No matter how hard you try, there’s no cure for hangovers. (Except for abstinence, but that’s out of the question.)
8. There are more excruciating things in life than not getting the best head ever anytime soon. Try leaving a bottle of tequila and your favourite perfume at the airport.

9. The best nowhere place/alternative universe to get lost in is Szimpla Kert.

10. If you happen run off for an adventure to clear your head and get back home around 2am to make the 10 am class you may learn that you’ve succeeded. Your head is 100% empty.


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