Champagne Days

Nietzsche wouldn’t be proud of me. While I was unable to choose, life’s chosen the path for me. Love life wasn’t the priority for some time now, I just keep on forgetting it.

The motto of last days was: “what the hell!” paired up with shrugging my shoulders and heavily overused. No matter if it was about mixing alcoholic drinks, getting in and out in the company of two males (different set in and out) or publishing my first ebook.

Since a career is the only choice for me now I figured, that publishing a novella is a way better move than moaning about not being able to write a novel.

It’s available on Amazon here

I've been planning on starting a charity to take care of unemployed, broke artists, developing alcohol addiction and their ideas at the same time. Of course I would be the only one taken care of.
So, consider buying the ebook as a donation. Feel like a good person.

Off to Poland again next week. Still off the writing routine.


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